“A book is my life friend”

On November 26, the Department of Children Literature of the Regional Library hosted a celebration of the best readers - “A book is my life friend”. The most active book lovers who took part in various library projects and events talked about their favorite books and demonstrated their creative achievements.

Sofia Chelakova spoke about her creative project “Is reading relevant?” Potapenko Artur and Sorochan Anzhelika read the poems that they wrote for this holiday. Shaikhyskak Aizere recited the verses of Abai, Abaidullina Milana read verses in German. Aidana Nurekenova showed an original dance and read a poem by M. Jalil. The movie “Library. Creativity, Reading. " The participants showed their knowledge in contests and the quiz “What? Where? How? When? ” based on the works of classics of children's literature.

Letters of thanks were given to all active and best readers of the library.