Readers' conference "B.Uakhatov enbekteri - urpak tarbiesindegi asyl kazyna"

On December 6 the library held the reading conference "Bekmurat Uakhatov enbekteri - ұрпақ тәрбиесіндегі asyl kazyna" devoted to the 90th anniversary of the literary critic, researcher of the Kazakh folklore, doctor of philological sciences Bekmurat Uakhatov.

The conference was attended by Professor Toraigyrov University, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Mashhurov Aytmukhambet Kasymbaevich Turyshev, Professor Toraigyrov University, Director of the Scientific Center named after Bekmakhanov. Bekmakhanov, candidate of philosophical sciences, historian and scientist Amantai Zhetpisovich Kudabaev, Honorary Citizen of Akkuly district Kadyr Azhimuratovich Azhimuratov, member of public association "Aksakaldar taғylymy" Serik Kinayatovich Satybaldin, veteran of pedagogical labor Sagynbai Boranbaevich, relative of B. Uakhatov Saltanat, a graduate of the university. Uakhatov Saltanat Kazhymuratovna, students of pedagogical college named after B. Akhmetov, boarding school for gifted girls " Bllim-Innovatsiya" as well as servicemen of RGU "Military part 5512 of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

Together with the museum of literature and art named after Bukhar zhyrau the book exhibition "Ғylyl sahabasy - Bekmurat Uakhatov әlemi" was presented.