Reader’s conference «Prozaga tyn kubylys akielgen tulga»

On September 27, as part of the republican action «Bir el - bir kitap», a reading conference «Prozaga tyn kubylys akelgen tulga» was held, it dedicated to the work of the outstanding writer Tolen Abdikov.

Tolen Abdikov for the story «Parasat Maidany» was awarded the international Franz Kafka medal, the Kazakh PEN Club award, and the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The regional conference was attended by Toraigyrov University professors S.T. Elikbaev and R.M. Mutalieva, young readers of the library Rymbek Abzal, Mukhamedkali Aidana and others.

Prose writer and public figure Tolen Abdikov addressed the conference participants with an online greeting.

The book exhibition «Adaldyk alanyndagy kalamger» was presented to the attention of readers, where the works of T. Abdikov were presented, as well as books, encyclopedias, and reference books dedicated to his work.