March 21 - Day of national dishes

Kazakh national cuisine, as a mirror, reflects the soul of the people, its history, customs and traditions. For a long time the most distinctive feature of the Kazakh people was hospitality. A dear guest was cordially greeted, seated at the most honorable place, treated to the best that was in the house.

The most popular product in Kazakh national cuisine was and remains meat. Meat is the basis of most dishes, it is meat products that decorate any dastarkhan, judging by the abundance of meat dishes on the richness and variety of the festive table. Flavored meat is eaten with thinly rolled and boiled pieces of dough - in Kazakhstan, one of the most ancient and favorite dishes is beshbarmak - lamb cooked in broth and pieces of rolled dough. “Beshbarmak” is translated as “five fingers”, because there is this dish taken by hand.

In addition to beshbarmak, kuyrdak is popular in Kazakhstan - roast from the liver with potatoes, baursaks - pieces of fried sour dough. And, of course, you will have to taste koumiss - a special way fermented mare's milk with medicinal properties. Refusing koumiss, no matter how exotic in taste it may seem, is impossible.

Milk and dairy products were widely used. Fermented milk products were preferred, since it was simpler and easier to maintain in the conditions of nomadic life. Bread was most often baked in the form of cakes; of the baked goods, the baursaks were most popular. Of the drinks, koumiss, shubat and ayran were always loved, tea occupied a special place.