"Kitap zhane kalamger"

On October 14 in the village Baigonys of Terenkol district within the framework of the project of the regional scientific library named after S. Toraigyrov "Kitap zhane kalamger" a meeting with Sholpan Baigaly, a Pavlodar poetess, Honorary Citizen of Pavlodar, Member of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan and Member of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, was held.

The project involves visiting cultural and educational events and is aimed at preserving the cultural heritage and promoting the art of writers and poets of Pavlodar Irtysh region.

The event at the rural Culture House brought together students and teachers, young people, creative intellectuals of the district, librarians, and old-timers. Sholpan Baygaly herself has lived in the village of Kyzyltan of Terenkol district for a long time. Participants learned many new interesting things about the life and literary journey of a countrywoman who made the region famous.  Young people asked questions about the beginning of her creative path, about interesting and memorable events. Sholpan Baygaly told the audience about the process of creation of her works, her first books, she read several very famous works and answered the questions of the audience.

Satirical poet, member of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, winner of the literary prize "Altyn Kalam" Alpysbai Abdiluly read his satirical works.

For rural librarians of the Terenkol district professionals of the regional library held a training workshop "Accounting and Reporting in the library" on how to fill out the diaries, the total and the inventory book of account of the movement of funds. The problems of attracting the modern reader to the library, the activation of work in the framework of national and regional projects and programs "Reading Nation", "Evening Library", "Street Library", "SMART-kitapkhana", etc. were raised.