“Place of bravery – Chernobyl”

Meeting-requiem “Place of achievement - Chernobyl” dedicated to the Closing Day of the last sarcophagus at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant took place on November 27. The participants in the evening were the liquidators of the accident and its consequences, living in Pavlodar.

Representatives of the United Organization “Chernobyl Union” spoke at the meeting: Deimund Viktor Georgievich - Chairman of the NGO “Union of Chernobyl”, deputy of Maslikhat, Pavlodar; Sabitov Murat Batovich, Osipov Alexander Anatolyevich - liquidators at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

They talked about their service at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, about their contribution to the common cause, about the life “before” and “after” of being in the infection zone. Their speech did not leave anyone indifferent. The present students of PSPU and students of the Bilim-Innovation boarding school asked questions about the further effects of radiation, its impact on our health and the environment.

The liquidators also said parting words, wishes to students.