Evening of Remembrance «The Noble Lions of Alash»

On May 31st, on the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions, the library staff, together with the military unit No. 5512, organized an evening of remembrance titled «The Noble Lions of Alash» in commemoration of the 140th anniversary of Kh. Domukhamedov and the 130th anniversary of M. Zhumabayev. The military personnel were introduced to the works of Halyk Dosmukhamedov, a public figure, ethnographer, historian, naturalist, enlightener, and physician, as well as Magzhan Zhumabayev, a writer, poet, journalist, and one of the founders of the new Kazakh literature. The audience was shown video films titled «Khalel Dosmukhamedov – the Proud of the Nation» and «Magzhan Zhumabayev: His Life and Works,» as well as a video clip by the group «Asia» called «I Believe in the Youth!»

The military personnel actively participated in the event and recited poems by the great poet, including «Suy zhan saulem» and «I Believe in the Youth!» Among the activities for the military personnel, a book exhibition titled «The Consequences of Dark» was presented.