Forming an Inclusive Culture: From Setting Goals to Implementation

On November the 20th, a Dialogue Platform on the topic of Formirovanie Inkluzivnoi Kulturi: Ot Tselei Do Realizatsii (Forming an Inclusive Culture: From Setting Goals to Implementation) was held, organized by the Kostanay Regional Universal Scientific Library named after L.N. Tolstoy. It united library experts from Kazakhstan and Russia, giving them an opportunity to share their experience in implementing projects centered around inclusivity. Among the participants were representatives of the Krasnodar Regional Special Library for the Blind named after A.P. Chekhov, Chelyabinsk Regional Special Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Umit – Nadezhda Non-Governmental Organization of People with Musculoskeletal Disorders. Librarian B.I. Aubakirova gave a speech on the topic of Biblioteka Kak Prostranstvo Ravnyh Vozmozhnostei (The Library as a Place of Equal Opportunities) shared her experience in working with special needs readers.  Guests were especially interested in the children's inclusive festival Zhylyz-ay and publishing project Pavlodarskaya Kniga Na Braile (Pavlodar's Braille Book) for the works of writers and poets native to Pavlodar's Priirtyshe.