Book and Illustrative Exhibition "A Land Aimed at the Future"
January 15, 2023 marks the 85th anniversary of the formation of the Pavlodar region.
Pavlodar region is the largest industrial center of Kazakhstan, has a rich history, great agricultural potential and cultural and historical heritage.
In the regional library named after S. Toraigyrov, a book and illustrative exhibition "Bolashakka umtylgan olke" / "A land looking to the future" was organized.
The exhibition presents over 100 books on the history, economy, culture and art of the Pavlodar region.
Of undoubted interest will be the book “List of settlements and a schematic 10-verst map of Kazakhstan. The seventeenth Pavlodar district of the Semipalatinsk province "(1928). Here is an exhaustive list of settlements in the Pavlodar district based on the results of the 1926 census.
Unique edition "Chronograph of Pavlodar region 1938-2008". Events and facts from the history of the Pavlodar region in the Kazakh and Russian languages are presented in the book in chronological order. Year after year, day after day, her life appears before us in a string of events that succeeded each other during the formation and formation of the region.
The "Chronograph" opens with the historical date of January 15, 1938: "Pavlodar region was formed as part of the Kazakh USSR."
Leafing through this book, you will find events and facts, significant and everyday, solemn and ordinary, you will see how the life of people changed, the Pavlodar Irtysh region was transformed, strengthened and grew.
The books presented at the exhibition will help to expand knowledge on the history of education, development and formation of the Pavlodar region.
The exhibition will continue throughout the year. Welcome to the exhibition.