Round table «Dala kemengeri — Mashkhur Zhusip»
On May 16 the regional library named after S.Toraigyrov hosted a round table "Dala kemengeri — Mashkhur Zhusip" dedicated to the 165th anniversary of one of the prominent figures of Kazakhstan, scientist, saint Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeev.
The event was attended by the chief imam of the Central Mosque named after Mashkhur Zhusup J.K. Bertymuratov, candidate of physical sciences, professor of PSPU named after Alkei Margulan A.D. Amrenov, Abai study specialist D.S. Asenov, member of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, journalist Amantai Toishybayuly and others.
A book exhibition "Halyktyn marzhan sozin kadirlegen" was presented to the guests.