O, Maraldym, Maraldym...
On December the 5th, more than 40 pictures of fascinating landscapes of the Maraldy Lake, surrounded by various myths, legends and stunning views, were presented at the debut exhibition of photographer Alexander Shevtsov! Our compatriot, famous singer M. Alimbaev sang of Maraldy Lake in his popular song “Maraldym,” which was performed at the event by Aidyn Sirikuly, artist from the Shanyrak Center of Folk Art. The region's chief archeologist, V.K. Merts, gave a speech about the sacred lake and the stone tools from the paleolithic era found there. Meanwhile, renowned artist Galina Bespalova brought to notice the uniqueness and fragility of nature, so vividly captured by the author of the exhibition. We hope that our readers will see the familiar lake in a new light and treat our land with ever greater respect.