Regional anticorruption forum on the International Anti-Corruption Day
On December 7, 2021 in the House of Friendship an anticorruption forum dated to the International day of combating corruption, organized by akimat of Pavlodar region and Department of Agency of RK on counteraction to corruption on the Pavlodar region was held. The forum was attended by representatives of judicial and law enforcement bodies, public representatives, libraries of the region, mass media and others.
The moderator of the forum, Zhangazy Zhumabayuly, the head of the regional informational and educational headquarters at DAPK in the region acquainted all those present with the program of the forum. Welcoming speech was made by the mayor of Pavlodar region Oleg Kruk.
The coordinator of the regional project "Parasat zholy", the head of the regional library named after S. Toraigyrov Sholpan Shakhmetova told about the work done in the libraries of the region within the project "Parasat zholy" and thanked the representatives of regional and rural akimats, workers of judicial-executive system, ethno-cultural associations, members of the club "Ardager", representatives of local intellectuals, public figures, honorary citizens of districts and cities of the region and creative young people.
At the end of the forum were presented letters of thanks from Akim of the region to the workers of the region libraries: A. Umarova Zhelezinsky district, A. Bayazova Irtyshsky district, M. Tleuberdinova Sherbaktinsky district, A. Beisekov Maysky district, D. Tabulova Akkuly district, A. Nurgaliyeva deputy head of the regional special library, J. Kazhybaeva head of the reading room department of the regional library named after S. Toraigyrov.
Sholpan Shakhmetova, the head of the regional library named after S. Toraigyrov was awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Department of the Agency RK on counteraction to corruption in Pavlodar region for the active civic position and personal contribution to the implementation of anti-corruption policy in the region.