Reading conference “Tugyry biik kazak bii”
On May 4 was held reading conference "Tugyry biik kazak bii", devoted to 250 anniversary from the day of birth of our fellow countryman Toraigyr bi Yedigeuly.
In the conference took part a professor of Kazakh language and journalism of Toraigyr University, candidate of philological sciences Serik Yelikbayev, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Yerzhan Toraigyrov, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of Pavlodar pedagogical university Zamzagul Sabdanbekova, poet, journalist, member of journalist Union of Kazakhstan, honorary citizen of Pavlodar city and Terencol district Sholpan Baigaly, pupils of schools and colleges.
The workers of the regional library presented the book exhibition " Uly dalanyn uly esimdery", devoted to Yedige bi, Shon bi and Toraigyr bi.