History lesson «Pavlodar region - 85 years»
Today, January 16, the new project "History Lessons" will start. The project is devoted to the history of Kazakhstan, Pavlodar region and historical figures of our country.
The first lesson "Pavlodar region - 85 years", for students of gymnasium No. 3 for gifted children, was conducted by the professor of the Higher School of Human Sciences of the Margulan University, Dr. Aymeken Merekeevna Syzdykova, head of the department of research support for the history of the region named after the regional historical and local museum G. N. Potanina Rustembek Toleutemirovich Kalymkulov.
Aymeken Merekeevna told about the history of the formation and life of the inhabitants of Pavlodar Priirtyshya, Rustembek Toleutemirovich spoke in detail about scientific researches on the history of our region.
For the attention of the students, they presented a review of literature and a book exhibition "A land with a deep history, a bright future-A region, aiming for the future".